Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tis the season to celebrate

Well, once again it has been forever since i posted! With preparing for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hannukkah, and my baby's 1st birthday I have been a little swamped! I have personally made or designed all of the gifts so far this year! I have crochetd a lot, I've done some digital photography/scrapbooking stuff that has been printed via Shutterfly, and I've purchased some items from my own Cafe Press store called Too Long Dog (in honor of my current and childhood pets - dachshunds) at If you still have last minute shopping to do I recommend you go to Cafe Press right now! Today is the last day of a promotion in which they will give you a free upgrade from standard to premium shipping to make sure your order arrives by Christmas!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

STOMP, stomp it good

The hubby and I saw STOMP at Bass Hall in Fort Worth last night (the same place we saw Lewis Black perform in July) and it was fantastic. We really enjoyed it and the rest of the audience did as well, there was audience participation after all, there was also occasional laughter and a ton of applause, even a standing ovation and encore.

I didn't realize how crazy it would be having a child with a birthday in the midst of the holiday season. Trying to plan for Christmas and a first birthday party at the same time is a bit confusing and tricky. I bought supplies at Party City and food will be gotten at Tom Thumb, I actually received a coupon for a free 1st Birthday mini-cake (the size of a large cupcake but shaped and decorated to look like a baby block) if I purchase at least a quarter sheet cake (for everyone else). I was going to do cupcakes but I like this offer and will use the coupon instead. The party will be in the afternoon so the rest of the food will just be party snack trays.

As for Christmas (and Hanukkah), I am making at least half of the gifts this year, the rest will be gotten online so they can be custom and I don't have to try and holiday shop with a 1-year-old in tow! I am hoping other people will take advantage of online shopping as well and buy from my store, A boost in sales would be nice even if I don't see the actual money four a couple of months (I have to wait 30 days for transactions to clear in case of returns and then I have to wait for end of the month check processing). Anyway, I can't say anything about what I may be purchasing from my own store (that could give the surprise away) but I do shop my own designs.

Have to run, my little man is looking for new and disgusting things to test is new teeth on.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween past

Ah, autumn, sort of. My husband and I took our son to his first pumpkin patch and to the zoo for his first Halloween (really just excuses for photo ops).

The first week of October we went on a major road trip (nearly 3000 miles) from Texas to Iowa to Minnesota to South Dakota and back to Texas. I was able to show of my little boy to relatives on my mom's side including my grandparents, an aunt and her family that I hadn't seen in a decade, and my sister and brother-in-law.
It was tiring but fun. Of course that is when my husband's sister ended up having a c-section to deliver our little brand-new little niece.

I had crocheted pumpkin hats for my son and niece, so we took a picture of the two of them before Halloween. My little boy looks oh so thrilled to be wearing a hat. The two-week-old didn't complain.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Vote for Santa

The holiday season is here again, I'm already seeing some Thanksgiving items in the discount aisles! If you are like me and don't have the time to shop sale ads or drive around town, but don't have the patience to stick it out at the local mall either, I suggest you shop online. You can find just about anything on the internet and you have a shot at getting something unique you can't find at a traditional brick-and-mortar store.

If you, or someone you have to buy a gift for, is a fan of Santa Claus or burnt out on politics then check out the limited time only "Vote for Santa" merchandise at Too Long Dog. There are teddy bears, mugs and steins, yard signs, and a lot of shirt options. While you are there, don't forget to puruse the hundreds of other designs Too Long Dog offers.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Missed adventures

While I was absent from the blogosphere in September, I went to the Plano (TX) Balloon Festival with my hubby and baby son. It is a long standing annual event and really cool because you can get right next to the field the balloons launch from. My baby wasn't at all interested in the giant balloons going over his head, go figure, but I enjoyed taking pictures, here are a couple.

I will be adding photographs from the balloon festival (and more) to my ImageKind shop daily. I have to work around my baby's schedule and high quality photos take a long time to upload but I already have a small selection and plan to keep adding daily. Also, don't forget to check out my CafePress shop,, the holidays are coming up and gas prices will probably go back up after the elections!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bad, bad, blogger

I can't believe it has been nearly two months since I last posted! Okay, that's not true, I can believe it when I start to think back on how crazy it's been for my family in that time. I threw my sister-in-law a large baby shower, got really sick twice, finished several crochet projects, took hundreds of photographs, opened up an ImageKind shop (I already have a CafePress one), had banking drama, and traveled almost three-thousand miles (in one week) with my husband and 10-month-old son; on top of the regular circus that is my life.
I will post again soon with photos and whatnot, maybe in chronological order until I catch up!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

First Saturday of September

Well, it has happened again, I was too busy to get much done this week (and sick, baby and I had nasty head colds for a few days). I did get a couple of adorable crochet hats done this week through. I will post a pic after they are given to their recipients, I don't want to give the surprise away.

Today we are going to my mother-in-law's house for my brother-in-law's birthday. It is his 21st so we are all getting together in the afternoon because he will be out with friends in the evening. Which is good because my hubby wants to be home in time to get the latest UFC pay-per-view fight and it comes on at 8:30 (though I'm not sure which time zone, this was all so much easier when we lived in Florida, it was always our time, now I'm never sure if it has been adjusted to ours or is still eastern).

Here is this week's T-shirt design from Too Long Dog:

Enjoy the weekend and I will post again soon (likely with some scrapbooking freebies and photos).

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day 2008

Wow, what a crazy Labor Day. My infant son and I are sharing a nasty head cold but at least we are safe at home. We have been watching the news surrounding Hurricane Gustav and hope it doesn't become a major disaster for the Gulf Coast. I feel terrible for the poor people that have just now been able to move back or settle in and have to relive the trauma.
My hubby will probably be delayed coming home Thursday as we live in Texas and storms may delay or cancel his flight. :(

On a lighter note, professional football season kicks off this week, which will make many sports fans happy. It will also provide distraction from election season. I take politics seriously but I hate listening to pandering speeches and advertisements so I decide based on issues and ignore the media attention as much as possible. I find NPR helps a lot, though I do get tired of the attention there as well but I understand that is how many people get their information. At least it is better than watching or listening to local newscasts.

Don't forget to check out Too Long Dog for your online shopping needs, especially since gas prices will probably go up again thanks to the weather.

Have a great labor day folks!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Oops, I did it again

Oops, Friday flew past me again, maybe I should just start planning on showing a T-shirt design every Saturday instead. Here is a design from the more than 200 available from Too Long Dog:

Congratulations to Samara and Mark in Florida! They just welcomed a son, Aaron, into the world (no small feat at 10 lbs. 1 oz.!). I can't wait to see pictures.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dem bones, dem bones

I decided that this week's digi-scrapping freebies would be Halloween themed and on the lighter side so it is a selection of goofy looking skeletons and a wordart perfect for any little skeletons that may go begging for candy this year. You can get this week's freebie here.

It certainly is a busy time for us here. A dear friend of mine just had her first child (a boy), my sister-in-law is expecting her first child (a girl) in October, I am planning my sister-in-law's baby shower for September, my husband's step-brother is remarrying in September and returning to Iraq, there is Labor Day, Halloween, Veteran's Day, and Thanksgiving (all firsts for my son), back-to-school time is in full swing which is important for my store Too Long Dog, I am in the process of opening a second and unrelated store Put It On Paper, Christmas and Hanukkah will be on us before we know it, my husband's cousin is expecting her second child in January, New Year's will follow Christmas, and there are birthdays in the mix too including my darling son's first! whew!

Take a moment to breathe and have a good week!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Oops, it's Saturday

Okay, so I missed Friday T-shirt day because we were with relatives. Here is this week's featured design from Too Long Dog:

Well, I have to run, this is a really busy weekend for me. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Witchy Weather

The weather today has been bizarre (and quite inconvenient). It has been a back-and-forth between heavy thunderstorms and bright sunshine all day (in northcentral Texas). This morning the power flickered on and off several times which is not only annoying because it causes everything to reset but I had the computer on too. Nothing bad happened because we have everything plugged into mondo surge protectors but I use a bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse and the computer was asking me if it should open in safe mode or not and just sat there doing nothing. Since the bluetooth peripherals don't kick in until the computer boots up all the way I couldn't respond and had to take the baby to Best Buy to buy one to plug in just to hit "enter." Ah well, at least everything is still there.

It is that time of week again for digital scrapbooking freebies and this week I am offering a trio of Halloween themed papers (previewed below) and you can download them HERE.

And just because, here is a picture of my two-tooth wonder:

Check out Too Long Dog. The store now boasts more than 200 distinct designs with something for everyone, I promise! In fact, I just added half a dozen new ones today.
Gotta run, baby on the move! Enjoy!

Monday, August 18, 2008

T-Shirt Folding Magic

I originally saw this technique in a video my hubby found. Well, time passed and now I have my own blog to use to share this awesome way to fold T-shirts perfectly in about 2 seconds (once you learn how). This is so cool you will actually impress people! With T-shirt folding of all things! The following video is Ninja T-Shirt Folding from YouTube.

Shop, shop, shop

I have added more than a dozen new designs to Too Long Dog this week and have now passed the 200 mark for distinct designs! Save gas money and do your fall/new school year shopping online at Too Long Dog.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Where did the week go?

Well it is Friday once again and time for the T-shirt design of the week from Too Long Dog:

Visit Too Long Dog to buy T-shirts, hoodies, pillows, mugs, stickers and more. In fact, there are more than 150 original designs, including the brand-spanking new one above, and products for everyone in the family no matter their size or personality. Plus, online shopping saves gas and your sanity.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's that time again

It is the time of year for school to begin again. I don't have to worry about the logistics of that just yet since my son isn't even a year old yet but I still feel nostalgic. I love office and school supplies. In the local grocery stores they sell prebundled items for their local elementary schools and the office supply stores have the lists for the local school necessities at the front of the store. In honor of this time of year my freebies this week evoke elementary school.

You can download the ruler here and the chalkboard here.

I have made great progress on one of my crochet projects and hope to post a picture of the finished project before the week is through. Yippeee!

I am what the video game industry calls a "casual gamer" but nevertheless I have fun waiting for me on two console systems. My husband bought me a game that is for his PlayStation 3. That usually doesn't happen because pressing two many buttons easily confuses me and I just don't have the coordination or thumb control for most games, but this one is of an easier variety and has a wicked sense of humor. It is called Overlord:Raising Hell. The controls and whatnot are a lot like the Pikmin games but you play as an evil/evilish overlord controlling a bunch of goblins that aren't that bright but are devoted to your every wish and remind me of the naughtly gremlins in Gremlins 3 (I think that is the one they did in New York, or was that number 2?). Anyway, it's funny and easy enough for someone like me. I have a Wii which is much more my speed and has more games at my level, mainly because they make more games for children and other folks who didn't grow up with video games. Anyway, I have a game for the Wii I haven't even had the chance to play yet (Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, the first was a laugh riot, even my in-laws love playing it) and I love playing the regular Wii Sports games that come with the system.

Well, I hear a baby calling for "mamaaa" so that is the end of this post. Happy Humpday.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tooth times two

Only a week or so after the initial appearance of his first tooth my darling, beautiful son has had his second tooth break through the gums right next to the first! Pics to come once I can get him to cooperate with camera crazy Mama!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Oooh, grown-up time

Darling son is going to spend some time with Nana today so that the hubby and I can maybe go see a movie (gasp!) or hang out at the bookstore or just do nothing (double gasp!).

Starting to really see interest in my store, Too Long Dog, in a variety of sections, just goes to show it does appeal to a wide range of folks. It inspires me more. I add new designs every week and I still have pages of ideas and notes!

I am working on a crochet project to use up some baby yarn I've had for years. It will be an afghan blanket I imagine. I am making modified granny squares, they have a three-dimensional flower motif in the center. Mostly pink with some off white because that is what I had. I am trying to use up what I have before I buy more yarn, or at least much more. Most of my scraps are not what I would use for projects for me though so I will have a lot of baby gifts and scarves I suppose.

Working on my sister-in-law's baby shower (her first, little Bella) which is exciting. We are all anticipating having a little girl around; the family will have one of each since I had a boy.

Off to care for the dog, elderly dachshunds get grumpy if you ignore them.

Friday, August 8, 2008

It is finally Friday George Jones

I don't really listen to country music much anymore but I grew up on country and oldies and I have "Finally Friday" by George Jones running through my head today.

Here is this week's T-shirt design from Too Long Dog:

Rise up against our Spork overlords, brothers and sisters! Hee, hee. I always manage to make myself laugh. Check out this design and more than 150 others at Too Long Dog.

If you go to the Squidoo lens at and submit a design suggestion you could win a free T-shirt. Submit your design idea and forward the lens on to your friends and family so they can submit theirs too.

The hubby and I may actually be leaving the baby with family Saturday so we can check out be out and about as a couple. May your weekend go well.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wake me up next week, please

I thought, who knows why, that somehow my darling son would be happier or less fussy once that first tooth finally broke through. This is not the case, which is why I look like death-warmed over today, but the drive-through workers didn't react so I'm sure I'm not the only one. At any rate, I think I would like to go to sleep and just wake up next week if I could. That would be nice. It isn't that I don't get any sleep, it's just that it's in a bunch of tiny increments added together to make a full night (or semi-full). Ah well, at least it is for a good cause, sort of.

I have managed to put together a few digital scrapbooking freebies for this week.

You can download the background paper by clicking here, the "Boo!" wordart by clicking here, and the creepy windows (two separate .pngs in a compressed folder) by clicking here.
I am also adding several new designs to Too Long Dog today as well, so take a look.
Again, I would like to say that if you haven't checked out Squidoo yet that you should do so. I became so enamored with it that I have already made three lenses of my own, one about Jell-O, one about crochet granny squares, and one about Too Long Dog.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mommy fatigue

This is going to be a short one because I have mommy fatigue, as in my 8-month-old (as of today!) is still cutting that first tooth and thus not sleeping as well as normal. I'm so tired! Anyway, I still have to manage a shower and a couple shopping expeditions with babe in tow today.

Too Long Dog has some new designs so be sure and check those out. Shopping online saves gas money and it is back to school and back to college time afterall. Visit the Squidoo lens for the chance to get a free T-shirt.

Also, check out my Squidoo lens on crochet granny squares at It has a how-to video, pics, a ton of great links, and more.

I'll be back in a day or two with more digi-scrapping freebies so be sure to come back.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

How the time flies

I've had one of those weeks that just seemed to speed by without me really getting a good hold on things, ah well.

I have several new shirt ideas in the works for my online shop, Too Long Dog, which is named after my favorite dog breed by the way. If you visit the shop be sure to sign up for the newsletter, it comes out monthly via e-mail featuring new designs, seasonal tips, discount information, and even ways to get free merchandise.

I created a Squidoo lens about crochet granny squares, it has a how-to video and a lot of great links, so if you are interested in crochet take a look at the Web page Squidoo is a fun way to find a cornucopia of information and links on just about anything.

I also found one of my favorite authors, Tim Dorsey, on MySpace. I interviewed him while I was in college and had my picture taken with him, which is pretty cool, how often does that really happen? I will post the picture of us here tomorrow but I am using my hubby's laptop at the moment.

My son is practicing his crawling as he has only been able to manage forward motion for about a week now. He takes a break after every few movements to sit and contemplate whether it is worth it to continue. He has also been having a rough time the last few days because his first tooth (egads!) broke through on Thursday. The full tooth still hasn't risen up but the top is out and he can nearly cut you if he uses you as a teether. When it is fully visible he will be blinded with my camera's flash and everyone in the family will be e-mailed photographs so they can marvel at the tooth's glory. Poor family, dealing with a photo obsessed new mommy.

Gotta go, time for pizza and a Psych marathon with hubby thanks to dvr technology.

Friday, August 1, 2008

First T-Shirt Friday of August

This week's design was created by having a little fun with an old book illustration. No one ever seems to wonder how the exhibits at the science museum feel. :)

Buy this shirt or one of more than 150 other designs at Too Long Dog.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

OMG! NKOTB! won't D-I-E!

I have news that is so incredibly hilarious and sad I had to share it with the world.... The New Kids on the Block, yes the original members, are back together and touring! I can only imagine this is their version of the mid-life crisis, I mean, who is going to go see them? This was discovered by my hubby as he was looking at the calendar for the American Airlines Center and there they were - October 19th. Apparently they have even invaded MySpace with a new single and are really jazzed about their new album. If this isn't a sign that the U.S. is going to hell in a handbasket I don't know what is. We've given up on lives of quality and will just take anything as long as it's cheaper than a tank of gas! Don't belive me? Click here and see for yourself.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More freebies et cetera

I have three freebies available. Click HERE for the solid papers and overlays (one file), and HERE for the patterned papers. Enjoy!
I have added more designs to my shop, Too Long Dog, including ones in the crafter and geek sections so check them out. I have also made a Squidoo lens; click here to take a look and be sure to give your ideas in the poll and sign the guestbook.
For any crocheters out there, I have begun a new design but am not ready to share it with the world yet. When I have my first prototype I will post here for you to look at and provide feedback about. Here's a hint: it is one "sweet" project.
If hump day has you down don't worry, tomorrow is Thursday which is nearly Friday.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Lewis Black Live

Last night my hubby and I saw Lewis Black perform live as part of his Let Them Eat Cake tour and it was fantastic! He is my favorite comedian and he doesn't disappoint, he completely lived up to his television persona. Even the opening act was good, which can't always be said truthfully. It was a sold out show and we had great seats. I recommend seeing him live if you can.

By the way, check out my new squidoo lens here.

As always I encourage you to drop by my store, Too Long Dog, check out my totally awesome designs and buy something (or multiple somethings).

Sunday, July 27, 2008

It wiggles, it jiggles, it's Jell-O!

Check out my very first Squidoo lens, it's on the perennial American favorite Jell-O! You can find it here. If you love Jell-O you'll also love this shirt at Too Long Dog.

Pretend it's Friday

Oops, family took me away from the computer Friday so pretend I'm not late posting my T-shirt design of the week. This one is for the penguin lovers and conspiracy theorists out there. Buy this and other great designs on products from T-shirts to mousepads at Too Long Dog.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Motherhood makes you tough

I won't go on and on with the cliches of the joys of motherhood and other mushy mommy statements, although I find they are all true for me. Liam J. is the best thing my husband and I have ever done, individually or together. At any rate, this is not what I want to share tonight. I mean motherhood literally makes you tougher, well, if you are around for it at least. Not long after my son was born it became apparent that I would develop arm strength. I have always had pitiful upperbody strengh, not uncommon for women, and lugging around the baby carrier/car seat to doctor's appointments, grocery stores, etc. made my triceps burn. Seven and half months later they no longer burn and I notice his regular weight gain less and less. In terms of sleep, I have learned that I don't need that much. Granted I may have the people skills of a zombie but I can feed, entertain, comfort, and diaper a baby in any condition - sick, blind (I wear contacts), asleep, injured, you name it. I used to gag at certain, shall we say unpleasant smells. Diapers cure you of that problem. I knew baby poo was gross but I had no idea that something so tiny on a liquid diet could pass half his body weight in a rank, multi-textural, colorful way. My husband asked me when we started feeding the baby peas when he was only two weeks old! An aside, if you are a new mommy or mommy-to-be, diapers are diapers and brand doesn't make too much difference when they are little but wipees are crucial. Pay for the quality wipees, they need to be as thick and cloth-like as possible because poo sticks and clumps and smears and you will regret it if you have cheap, weak wipes. Finally, the inspiration for this post (I think my longest thus far) is my son's projectile vomiting episode (he's fine thank you). My 19-20 lb baby spewed out enough volume with enough force that I literally had vomit on me from head to toe. I had it in my hair, on my neck and an ear, the entire front of my shirt which was soaked through and got my bra, down my chest, down my pants, his face, his chest, his legs, the highchair, the sofa, and the floor. There was so much on me I was literally dripping with it. Sorry if you are squeamish but I have OCD tendencies and am known as the napkin queen because I hate to have "stuff" on me, especially my hands and skin in general. Yet I changed clothes, wiped down myself, my son, and the carpet and furniture without missing a beat. Motherhood makes you tough. I may be rough around the edges more often than not but I am certainly stronger for it (and happier, I would deal with anything for my sunshine boy).

Looking for fun, clever clothing for your child? Tired of dressing them like a walking advertisement for a theme park or television show? Visit the children's section of Too Long Dog. While you are there pick something up for yourself as well, you deserve it.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's all in black and white

Since I made some cheetah spotted freebies I thought why not through in a little zebra as well. Click HERE for some zebra stripe wordart.

Even if you are having a so-called "stay-cation" (I actually heard that used on NPR today) instead of a true vacation you can always pretend like you aren't home.

Goodbye Monday

Now that I have survived another Monday I figured I should catch up on my blog posts. Forgive me if I wander, my son's teething has left me a bit sleepy.

I have added some great new designs to Too Long Dog. In fact, my store now features more than 100 designs and more than 2000 products, and I still have ideas in the works! Check them out. I have also uploaded my items to Froogle, although the very newest can only be found by going to Too Long Dog directly.

For all you digital scrapbookers I have two related freebies to offer this week. They are a cheetah spotted alpha and some cheetah spotted wordart. These freebies would be great for exotic vacations, trips to the zoo and pet pages, just to name a few.

Click HERE to download the cheetah alpha and click HERE for the cheetah spotted wordart.

Friday, July 18, 2008

T-shirt Friday

This is one of the designs sold at my online store Too Long Dog. By the way, the Argyle sheep image in the July 11 post is also one of my designs (there is even two-sided version).

Creativity abounds

Maybe it is the approaching weekend, maybe it's that the baby has been sleeping solidly at night, either way I had a rush of activity. You don't want to hear about dishes or laundry but that isn't all that I mean. When I listen to the radio (instead of my iPod nano) I listen exclusively to my local NPR station (which is KERA). Thanks to a great interview Thursday night on Fresh Air I learned about a great band that has actually been around for quite a while, the Old 97s. You should check them out at their web site They have an alternative/country/folk feel but really you have to listen for yourself. Also, I added several new designs Thursday to my online store Too Long Dog. I sell more than 100 unique designs for the entire family, from infants to adults, even Fido.

Later today I will post an image of one of my T-shirt designs. I plan to then post a new one every Friday.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Daddy come home day

My hubby is returning from out of state this evening, which means it is "Daddy Come Home" day. Thus I am finishing up household tasks that I might have let slip earlier in the week. I hope to actually spend quality time with my spouse this weekend, imagine that. Of course he recorded G4's coverage of E3 on the dvr which means he'll want to watch the hours of that waiting for him so I might have some competition.

If you enjoyed and downloaded my digi-scrapping freebies, check back next week and I promise I will have more to share. I love Digi Scrap Depot, I have found tons of great things and figured I would try my hand at making and sharing too. I also found a blog that I check all the time using the depot, it is Elegant WordArt 2; she does beautiful work and she gives away tons of freebies in addition to making wordart for sale.

Don't forget to check out my Cafe Press store Too Long Dog. I just added some new crafty themed designs yesterday (I have more than 100 original designs on T-shirts, hoodies, bags, mugs and more). Take a look around, there is something for everyone from infants to adults, even the family dog.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More digi-scrap freebies

I've added four more freebies, this time word art created using the diamond plate alpha. My blog site was having problems with images so I don't have previews but you can download BIKER, MR FIX IT, COOL TOOLS, and ALL BOY in cool diamond plate metal style by clicking on the words. Enjoy! After you download the freebies, take a look at my online store Too Long Dog.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Discounts and freebies

Wow, life sure can keep you busy even when there isn't anything "major" going on! In addition to family matters, I've been adding a lot of new designs to Too Long Dog, visit my online shop and check them out, there's something for everyone. There is also a fantastic sale on Jr. Jersey T-shirts! Thrifty folks will also enjoy the regular coupons for discounts on larger orders.

For anyone interested in digital scrapbooking I have a freebie to share!

You can download the Diamond Plate alpha/number set HERE. It would be great for a rough and tumble boy page, any page featuring tools or "handymen," or a biker page. I'm sure you could think of even more uses. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Argyle ewe

I haven't posted in a while (I'll catch up) but I thought I would start the weekend off with a little crafty humor...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Too Long Dog

So I had a burst of creativity thanks to my husbanding playing with the baby all day thus allowing me to spend time on the computer for longer than two minutes. Usually all I am able to do is check my e-mail. Anyhow, I added a ton of new designs to my Cafe Press store Too Long Dog, especially in the "Ankle-biters" section which is for children.
Also, despite the terrible weather conditions that have hit the Midwestern United States my family seems to be okay and on high, dry land. My heart goes out to those who suffer.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Even my son's naptime bedhead is adorable!

Lily Chin is a master

I recently bought Couture Crochet Workshop by Lily Chin and I must say it is one of the best crochet books of all time and definitely the absolute best resource for crochet clothing. The woman is a genius and she explains things in a way that, mathematically challenged can understand! Just in case you are interested in crochet and haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend this book, you won't be disappointed.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Everything has a beginning

There have been many changes in the Wicks household in the past year and someday I may want to be reminded of how we managed to keep it all together when we were still young and stupid. The House of Wicks consists of myself, my husband, our infant son and two dogs, which I like to refer to as the hell hounds. My husband travels as a consultant and I left my job to stay home (we've been through two moves in less than a year, three in about two years - we're nomads) with our son and the hounds.
As an attempt to keep my mind from turning to mush I am focusing my spare energy (hah!) on the computer. In addition to this blog, I have begun a Cafe Press store called Too Long Dog at selling T-shirts and other products featuring my original designs.
I spend the vast majority of my time caring for our son, who is the love of our lives and the sun in our sky. He is beautiful, strong, smart, and fun - of course.